News and Events


Taylore Maxey (850) 488-4197
  • TALLAHASSEE, FL - The Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) Board of Directors unanimously approved during today’s board meeting $30 million in HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds targeted towards counties most impacted by Hurricane Michael.  Florida Housing staff is now authorized to proceed with the development of a Request for Application (RFA) for HOME Program financing and authorize the Executive Director to establish a review committee for the RFA to make recommendations for award to the board in May 2019.

    Florida Housing’s Executive Director Trey Price concurs with today’s vote saying, “Florida Housing’s Board of Directors and staff continue to find innovative ways to provide affordable housing and resources to the citizens of Florida. Approving the funding plan today will begin the efforts of building affordable housing in areas where it is needed in the Panhandle - whose families’ lives were devastated by the recent storm.”

    This RFA will give preference to affordable rental developments to be built in areas most impacted by Hurricane Michael. Any remaining funds will be made available for developments in rural areas of the state.

    The HOME Program provides non-amortized, low interest loans to developers for acquisition and/or new construction of affordable rental housing to low income families. Loans are offered for the financing of first or subordinate mortgages with a simple interest rate of zero percent to nonprofit applicants and 1.5 percent per annum interest rate to for-profit applicants.

    Florida Housing was created by the Legislature more than 35 years ago. We are the state’s housing finance agency (HFA) that administers state and federal resources to help provide affordable homeownership and rental housing options for the citizens of Florida. For more information, please visit



  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, December 14, 2018, in Orlando. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, December 14, 2018, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Hyatt Regency Orlando Airport
                 9300 Jeff Fuqua Blvd.
                 Orlando, FL 323827

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at

    Additional Resources and Links Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

    October 17, 2018


    (850) 717-9282


    Gov. Scott: More Housing Aid Coming to Floridians Impacted by Hurricane Michael


    TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Governor Rick Scott announced today that the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) is helping families displaced by Hurricane Michael find affordable rental housing through Socialserve. Florida residents displaced by Hurricane Michael can visit the affordable rental housing locator service,, to find available units in Florida.


    Governor Scott said, “We know many families who have experienced impacts from Hurricane Michael are looking for affordable housing while they rebuild their communities. The service Florida Housing is providing will help many Floridians get back to a sense of normal life sooner.”


    Florida Housing Executive Director Trey Price said, “Florida Panhandle families have had their lives turned upside down by this monstrous storm. Florida Housing stands at the frontlines efficiently providing long-term housing assistance and resources to those in need.”


    Florida Housing and Socialserve will conduct extensive and frequent surveys with rental property owners in the impacted counties regarding available and suitable housing for households that cannot return to their homes. The survey also helps determine which landlords will provide short-term leases to displaced households and accept FEMA rental assistance vouchers.


    The property owners being surveyed include those in Florida Housing’s portfolio, as well as other landlords that currently have their properties and units registered with For those Florida residents that evacuated from the storm to Georgia and Alabama can visit and Alabama2-1-1 for housing assistance information.


    To help further assist with the housing need in the Panhandle, Florida Housing is also going to advance the 2018-19 State Housing Initiative Partnership Program (SHIP) funding allocations first to those counties ravaged by the storm. Those counties include: Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Leon, Liberty, Taylor, Wakulla, and Washington.


    The SHIP Program provides funds to local governments for their homeownership and rental housing programs. Under Section 420.9073(5), Florida Statutes, Florida Housing is authorized to earmark up to $5 million each fiscal year from the SHIP appropriation for recovery efforts for declared disasters. In previous years, recovery efforts include response to hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and wildfires.


    For additional disaster relief information, visit Florida Housing’s website that has a webpage devoted entirely to disaster relief resources and information Information on the webpage detail Florida Housing resources that are available throughout the state, as well as other federal, state and local resources. 





  • Due to the aftereffects of Hurricane Michael, the October 26, 2018, Florida Housing Finance Corporation Board Meeting in Panama City Beach has been CANCELLED.

    We will hold a telephonic meeting on Friday, November 2, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. EDT, to address a few items that were scheduled to be discussed at the October 26 meeting.

    The call-in number for the telephonic meeting is 888-670-3525 and the conference code is 1388252907.

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at

    Additional Resources and Links Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • HHF financial assistance to help homeowners struggling with their reverse mortgage


    TALLAHASSEE, FL - Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing), Fannie Mae and the Florida Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA), are partnering together on the Elderly Mortgage Assistance Program (ELMORE).

    Administered by Florida Housing, the corporation has spent more than $47 million in federal funding from the Hardest-Hit Fund (HHF) towards the program. ELMORE assists elder homeowners with home equity conversion mortgages (HECMs)—better known as “reverse mortgages”—who, because of a hardship, are having difficulty making property tax and homeowner’s insurance payments.  As a result, these homeowners are facing foreclosure for non-payment of these required costs.

    “Our goal with this program is to provide seniors in Florida the assistance needed to remain in their homes and avoid foreclosure,” said Trey Price executive director for Florida Housing. “We are pleased to have the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and Secretary Jeffrey Bragg join us again with the Elderly Mortgage Assistance Program.”

    “In accordance with the Older Americans Act, it is the mission of the Department of Elder Affairs to address the needs of Florida seniors and help them remain in their own homes and communities as they age,” said Florida DOEA Secretary Jeffrey Bragg. “We are proud to partner with Florida Housing to promote the ELMORE Program in support of this important goal.”

    Homeowners who meet specific qualifications may be eligible for a two-year forgivable loan of up to $50,000.  The funds will be distributed to the mortgage servicer, on the homeowner’s behalf, in a lump sum to repay property-related expenses paid by the servicer (e.g., property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, flood insurance and association fees) plus upcoming property-related expenses for up to 12 months.

    Launched in 2013, the ELMORE program has assisted more than 2,300 seniors who were struggling with their reverse mortgages and disbursed over $47 million in assistance statewide. The program will close in 2019.

    Florida homeowners with reverse mortgages who want to see if they qualify for the ELMORE program should contact the toll-free ELMORE Application and Information Line at 1 (800) 601-3534 to apply and/or receive more information on the program. Additionally, you may visit the ELMORE program website at  for more information. Florida Housing will also be hosting ELMORE events throughout the state. For more information on the event dates and to set an appointment, call the toll-free number. There is no cost to apply for this program.

    Florida Housing was created by the Legislature more than 35 years ago. We are the state’s housing finance agency (HFA) that administers state and federal resources to help provide affordable homeownership and rental housing options for our hardworking and vulnerable Floridians across the State. For more information, please visit

    The Department of Elder Affairs, the State Unit on Aging, helps Florida’s elders to remain healthy, safe and independent. For more information, please visit



  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, September 14 in Fort Lauderdale. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, September 14, 2018, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Marriott Harbor Beach
                 3030 Holiday Drive
                 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at

    Additional Resources and Links Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, July 27 in Tallahassee. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, July 27, 2018, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Knott Building, Room 412
                 601-631 S Duval Street
                 Tallahassee FL 32399

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at

    Additional Resources and Links Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • TALLAHASSEE, FL - The Board of Directors for the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) approved three applications this morning to fund affordable homeless housing developments in Osceola, Brevard, and Hillsborough County, as well as, two applications for developments housing persons with a Disabling Condition in Hillsborough and Miami-Dade County. While originally anticipated that these combined RFAs would fund three developments, the exceptional move by the Board allowed additional available resources to be used to fund the next available eligible application in each RFA.

    Homeless Developments Funded

    Available Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) program dollars allowed Florida Housing’s Board to fully fund all three eligible homeless applications in RFA 2018 - 103. The approval of these affordable housing developments will help address the high percentage of homeless in the area, including our fellow Americans who had to evacuate from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands due to Hurricane Maria.

    Persons with a Disabling Condition Developments Funded

    Available LIHTC and SAIL program dollars allowed Florida Housing’s Board to approve the first eligible highest-ranking application under RFA 2018-108. However, Florida Housing’s Board directed staff to use additional available resources in order to fully fund the second eligible highest-ranking application, for a total of two developments that will be fully funded. This action helps these counties address the significant need for permanent supportive housing for persons with a Disabling Condition.

    “Florida Housing’s role is to provide long-term housing solutions,” said Trey Price, executive director for Florida Housing. “Considering the need to address homeless housing, as well as, provide supportive housing for persons with a disabling condition in Florida, we are happy that these resources allowed for five developments to be funded. This approval by our Board is an extraordinary reflection and commitment of providing safe, decent housing to the state’s most vulnerable individuals.”

    For more information about Florida Housing, visit


  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, June 15 in Tallahassee. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, June 15, 2018, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Tallahassee City Hall Commission Chambers
                 300 S. Adams Street
                 Tallahassee FL 32301

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at

    Additional Resources and Links Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, May 4 in Tampa. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, May 4, 2018, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
                 2900 Bayport Drive
                 Tampa FL 33607

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at

    Additional Resources and Links Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • TALLAHASSEE, FL - Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) is announcing the availability of funding from the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program for homeowners in need of repairs to their home due to the hurricane, and for evacuees in Florida from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands who were impacted by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

    The SHIP program has $5 million for disaster recovery from the current 2017-18 fiscal year to allocate to local governments most affected by the 2017 hurricanes. Based on damage estimates provided to Florida Housing by FEMA, the SHIP disaster funds are being allocated to the 12 hardest hit counties and 27 entitlement cities within those 12 counties.  The funds will be used by these local governments to assist income qualified households that experienced damage from hurricanes as well as evacuees in Florida from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

    Governor Rick Scott said, “Hurricane Irma was the largest storm to hit our state in modern history and we have been fully committed to helping Floridians fully recover. We have also continued to welcome families who have relocated from Puerto Rico to Florida because of Hurricane Maria. The SHIP program will provide $5 million for ongoing disaster recovery to communities in need, and I appreciate the work of the Florida Housing Finance Corporation to make these important funds available. We will continue to do all we can to help all families impacted by these hurricanes recover and rebuild.”

    “Florida Housing is following through on its commitment to provide long-term housing solutions in times of disaster,” said Trey Price, executive director for Florida Housing. “This funding will not only assist the citizens of Florida who were impacted by the hurricanes with their housing needs, but also our fellow Americans from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands that had to evacuate to Florida.”

    Florida Housing administers the SHIP program which provides funds to local governments as an incentive to create partnerships that produce and preserve affordable homeownership and multifamily housing. The program was designed to serve very low, low and moderate-income families. Depending on income, persons may be eligible for home repair or replacement, down payment assistance, rental housing assistance and other affordable housing assistance.

    Click here to view the list of the 12 hardest hit counties and 27 entitlement cities within those 12 counties that will be receiving funding.

    For more information about Florida Housing, visit

  • TALLAHASSEE, FL - The Board of Directors for the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) unanimously approved three applications this morning to fund the development of affordable housing in Monroe County.

    The Board first approved issuing this request for application (RFA) at the January board meeting. RFA 2018-107 offered $2.6 million in Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and $10.4 million in State Apartment Incentive (SAIL) program dollars to specifically fund affordable family housing developments in the Florida Keys. Florida Housing received three applications to build affordable rental housing in the county hardest hit by Hurricane Irma. While the initially approved allocation amounts were sufficient to fund two developments, today, Florida Housing’s Board committed additional amounts to ensure the funding of a third development.

    During the recently concluded 2018 legislative session, an additional $15 million in SAIL funding was also allocated for housing in Monroe County that Florida Housing will administer.

    “Florida Housing’s Board took decisive action today to further assist those impacted by the hurricane that struck in Monroe County,” said Trey Price, executive director for Florida Housing. “We are grateful to the Governor and Legislature for providing additional affordable housing dollars that are targeted in this area to continue our commitment of providing safe, decent, affordable housing to the citizens of Florida.”

    Florida Housing’s Executive Director and senior staff traveled to Monroe County following the hurricane last year, toured the impacted areas of the Keys, and met with state and local officials to assess damage and housing conditions.

    For more information about Florida Housing, visit


  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, March 16 in Tallahassee. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, March 16, 2018, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Tallahassee City Hall, City Commission Chambers
                 225 East Coastline Drive
                 Tallahassee, FL 32301

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at

    Additional Resources and Links Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • SANTA ROSA - Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing), in collaboration with local community partners, is launching a pilot program this month that will provide short-term rental housing assistance to homeless families that have school age children in Santa Rosa County. In 2017, Florida Housing’s Board of Directors approved Federal HOME funds to provide short-term, tenant based rental assistance (TEBRA) in small counties.

    Board Chairman Ray Dubuque said that he believes this pilot program with Florida Housing and local community partners continues the mission of providing affordable housing. “The Board welcomes this initiative,” Dubuque said. “As a board member from the Panhandle area I am especially elated to see the launch of this pilot here and ensuring it provides safe, decent, affordable housing for the citizens of Florida.”

    “Research shows that being homeless means greater challenges for children in school,” said Trey Price, Executive Director of Florida Housing.  “At a minimum these at-risk kids are more likely to have lower school achievement while homeless.”

    Of the available HOME funds, $750,000 will be used for the housing pilot in Santa Rosa County to provide rental security deposits, as well as, 12 months or less of rental assistance to the eligible families. Eligible families will also have the opportunity to attend life skill trainings, such as financial workshops.   The allocation is expected to serve a total of 75 families over three years – 25 families per year. The amount of rental assistance per family will depend on the amount a family can pay for rent and the cost of the monthly rent.

    Local community partners that are working with Florida Housing on this program include the following: Santa Rosa County School District, EscaRosa Coalition on the Homeless, Milton Housing Authority, Family Promises, and other organizations. Families will be identified, assessed and prioritized by the Santa Rosa County School District’s Homeless Education Program.  The Homeless Education Program is a federal program that provides school districts resources to help keep homeless children in school and work to provide all the opportunities that are available to the other students. Local partners will also handle the case management around the families by assisting the families with accessing permanent rental housing and improving their overall self-sufficiency.

    For more information on Florida Housing, visit


  • TALLAHASSEE, FL - Ray Dubuque and Ron Lieberman concluded their first meeting as the recently named Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors for Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing).

    Dubuque, of Panama City, is retired and previously served as the regional director of external affairs for AT&T. Dubuque also sat on the City of Panama City’s Planning Board, where he was reappointed seven times for two-year terms. He serves as one of the two citizen representatives on the Florida Housing Board of Directors. Dubuque has been a board member since August 2013.

    Lieberman, of Ocala, is president of Steel Structures of Florida, Inc. Lieberman has been a significant force in the housing arena in Florida for more than 30 years. He is a past president of the Florida Home Builders Association and two-time president of the Citrus County Builders Association. Lieberman also served for seven years as chairman of the Citrus County Affordable Housing Finance Committee, in addition to being appointed on the Advisory Committee for the Tampa Bay Regional Transportation Authority, which he chaired for several years, as well.  He represents the residential builder seat on Florida Housing’s Board of Directors. Lieberman has been board member since March 2017.

    “We all have the ability to make a positive difference in someone’s life and I can think of no better way to do that than to help them secure a safe and affordable environment to live,” said Chairman Ray Dubuque. “In Florida we have a critical need for affordable housing, covering a wide spectrum of our citizens; from homeless schoolchildren, to our workforce, to the disabled, to our veterans, and to our seniors.  It is our duty to do what we can to help those, so they help themselves live a productive and safe life.”

    “Affordable housing is what I do,” said Vice-Chairman Ron Lieberman. “I am happy to do what I can to help Floridians realize their dream of safe, decent, affordable housing.”


    Florida Housing was created by the Legislature to assist in providing a range of affordable housing opportunities for residents that help make Florida communities great places in which to live, work and do business. For more information about Florida Housing, visit

  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, January 26 in Tallahassee. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, January 26, 2018, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Tallahassee Turnbull Conference Center
                  555 W Pensacola St,
                  Tallahassee, FL 32301

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at

    Additional Resources and Links Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  •  Florida Housing Distributes Funding Two Years Ahead of Schedule

    TALLAHASSEE, FL - On January 31, 2018, Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) will close three Florida Hardest-Hit Fund (HHF) programs. Applications for the Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program, Mortgage Loan Reinstatement Program, and Principal Reduction Program completed on or before the deadline will be reviewed for eligibility.

    The Florida HHF programs concluding are as follows:

    • Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program (UMAP), which provides up to 12 months of payments (with a cap of $24,000) to assist homeowners who are unemployed, underemployed or have suffered a financial hardship due to death, divorce or disability.
    • Mortgage Loan Reinstatement Program (MLRP), which provides up to $25,000 assistance to reinstate a delinquent mortgage.
    • Principal Reduction Program (PR), which provides up to a $50,000 principal reduction for homeowners who are underwater on their mortgage.

    “Although these programs were originally scheduled to end in 2020, we are able to distribute these funds well ahead of schedule,” said Trey Price, executive director for Florida Housing. “With only a few more days left before the January 31 deadline, I encourage qualified homeowners to apply.”

    As of December 31, 2017, 48,584 Florida families have received assistance through HHF programs. Distributing the funds two years ahead of schedule, Florida Housing has disbursed 92.19 percent of the $1.135 billion HHF funds allocated by the US Department of Treasury (Treasury).

    Florida’s innovative HHF programs have assisted in the recovery from the housing crisis since the program’s inception in 2010. A report by CoreLogic® shows that from April 2011 to October 2017, Florida’s foreclosure rate has drastically decreased from 12.47 percent to 0.91 percent, and the state’s unemployment rate during the same timeframe went from 10.10 percent to 3.6 percent.

    HHF Program Stats and Testimonials

    • Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program (UMAP)- As of December 31, 2017, UMAP has assisted 19,432 Floridians.
    • Mortgage Loan Reinstatement Program (MLRP)- As of December 31, 2017, MLRP has assisted 19,328 Floridians.
    • Principal Reduction Program (PR)- As of December 31, 2017, PR has assisted 6,440 Floridians.

    Homeowners who have successfully completed the program say of the experience, “This program changed my life,” “It’s a burden off my shoulders,” “It’s easy to do,” and, “They worked with me by step-by-step.”

    Hear more participants discuss their experience here.

    Those interested in applying for the UMAP or MLRP programs, visit

    Those interested in applying for PR program, visit

    For more information about Florida Housing or the Affordable Housing Workgroup, visit